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Theme Installation

Video Tutorial

Installation steps

  1. Extract the archive you downloaded from Themeforest and locate the Opencart_2.3.x or Opencart_3.x folder (depending on what Opencart version you use).

  2. Upload the 4 folders found inside (admin, catalog, image, system) to your Opencart root installation and merge them with the existing ones.

  3. Access your Opencart Admin and go to Extensions > Modifications and click on the blue Refresh button (top right corner).

  4. Go to Extensions > Extensions, choose Themes from the Choose the extension type selector and install the Journal Theme theme.

  5. Go to System > Settings, choose the store you want to use the theme on and then click the edit button. From the General tab, choose Journal Theme from the Theme selector.

  6. If you see a blank screen like the one below when viewing your storefront, you need to import a demo, so proceed to Demo Import page.

Video tutorial