- Store Skin This setting controls which skin applies to store and it is very useful in multistore environments where different skins can be appled per store
Facebook Open Graph These settings control different options like enabling open graph meta tags as well as specifying Facebook App ID used for sharing store links as well as image dimensions used when sharing links on Facebook
Twitter Cards These settings control different options like enabling Twitter cards meta tags as well as image dimensions used when sharing links on Twitter
Google Rich Snippets This settings enables Google Rich Snippets support which can be disabled if using a third party extension for managing them
Cache From here, query strings used for versioning static assets like css / js can be disabled because even though we recommend you keep this turned on, some tools like GTMetrix may suggest you remove query strings from static assets for better proxy caching
- HTML Minify Enables HTML output minifier which reduces page size but it may require additional processing power since the output is minfied on every request (it may slow down stores where hosting plan is not performant)
- CSS Combine & Minify Enables combining and minifying all css files into one file
- CSS Inline (Beta) Loads all css from external files in the html, this will remove an extra request for loading css files but it may increase page size, our recommendation is to leave it to OFF
- JS Combine & Minify Enables combining and minifying all js files into one file
- JS Defer (Beta) Defers parsing of js files until the page has been loaded, it makes page more responsive in general, but not all scripts can be deferred, expecially the ones from third party extensions which are not loaded via Opencart $document object in controllers so the option may not work in all cases
Database Not all tables have indexes by default in Opencart, adding indexes to specific columns may speedup queries
Images Lazy loading images will improve page loading speed because content will be loaded without waiting for images to be downloaded from server. Also, if your hosting plan supports tools like optipng and jpegoptim, images will be loselessly compressed, removing unnecessary data from them while preserving image quality
Fonts Using Google Fonts may slow down initial page loading speed, if this is the case, asyncronousy loading them may give a better performance
Static Assets Url Enabling static assets url will remove unecessary cookies payload sent when requesting assets from the same domain. To serve static assets from a different url (cookieless url) you must create a subdomain on your domain, for example,, which points to the same directory as your (Opencart installation directory) and then input (use https if you have ssl for your domains) in the fields.
- Always consider a VPS hosting plan instead of shared hosting plan
- Use PHP 7+
- Enable gzip compression for html output and static assets
- Enable far future expire headers for static assets
Custom Code
Custom CSS This can be used if additional CSS code must be added to the page for overwriting / enhancing existing theme options
Custom JS This can be used if additional JS code must be added to the page for overwriting / enhancing existing theme options
Custom Code Header This can be used to place code before the
tag in header, useful for tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, etc -
Custom Code Footer This can be used to place code bofore
tag in footer, useful for tools like chat widgets or other tracking scripts